Winner of the 2015 Local Government Innovation Award from the Humphrey School of Public Affairs
SWWC believes that the future is in Digital Education and that 21st Century Learning Skills and Methods are critical in ensuring student success in today’s education, lifestyle and workplace environments. We want to ensure that our members have fundamental resources available to them to help enable 21st Century Learning takes place in their schools, accompanied by the professional development and support that is required to make the implementation of a 21st Century Digital Learning initiative successful.
In April 2014, SWWC entered into a relationship with the Minnesota Partnership for Collaborative Curriculum (MPCC) on behalf of our entire membership. The MPCC is a grass roots effort in Minnesota in which its membership collaboratively create digital curriculum from start to finish. MPCC truly focuses on curriculum, not just digital textbooks, and the content is built from the ground up with a focus on adaptability for a wide range of course management system and device compatibility.
MPCC’s membership coordinates the efforts and funds the development of new curriculum, a process that is fully facilitated by staff from the membership of the collaborative. SWWC intends to identify and facilitate the process of creating one or two content areas once the members of SWWC feel comfortable and ready to proceed with the process.
Please review the information below to start the process of accessing and making use of the MPCC content!
MPCC "Implementation" Process
Please follow this process to verify that your school is prepared for using digital curriculum before signing up for access to MPCC content. All members of the MPCC will have access to the courses that have been completed by the collaborative. Check out the
list of projects that are currently completed of in the development process.
Each District should have one or two people appointed who will access MPCC content. One of these members should be proficient in administering your course management system. This would normally be your Technology Director or Coordinator.
SWWC is able to provide your District Administrator with a username and password to access the MPCC content repository. Please contact the SWWC Helpdesk for assistance in retrieving your district's credentials.