Staff Contacts

  • For Support with Payroll or HR:
    For Support with Finance or UFARS:
    Technology Support Helpline: 507-537-2260 or
    Fax: 507-537-6985

    To view contact information for SWWC RMIC staff, select Regional Management Information Center from the Department dropdown menu and then click Submit.
  • Starts With
  • Contains
  • Starts With
  • Contains
  • Starts With
  • Contains
  • All
  • Administrative Services
  • Agency Administration
  • Behavioral Health Services
  • CTE Services & Student Enrichment Programs
  • Educational Learning Centers
  • New Teacher Center
  • Regional Management Information Center
  • Special Education Services
  • Teaching & Learning Services
  • Technology Services
  • All
  • SWWC Location: ALC - Glencoe
  • SWWC Location: ALC - Pipestone
  • SWWC Location: ALC - Windom
  • SWWC Location: ELC - Belview
  • SWWC Location: ELC - Cosmos
  • SWWC Location: ELC - Marshall
  • SWWC Location: ELC - Montevideo
  • SWWC Location: ELC - New London
  • SWWC Location: ELC - Pipestone
  • SWWC Location: ELC - Windom
  • SWWC Location: Marshall Office
  • SWWC Location: Montevideo Office
  • SWWC Location: Pipestone Office
  • SWWC Location: Project SEARCH
  • SWWC Location: STARRS Online Academy
  • SWWC Location: The READY Clinic
  • SWWC Location: The READY Clinic - Cosmos
  • SWWC Location: The READY Clinic - Marshall
  • SWWC Location: The READY Clinic - Montevideo
  • SWWC Location: Willmar Office
  • SWWC Location: Windom Office