Health and Safety Management Assistance Program

  • This program provides consultation and coordination of services related to the management of environmental health and safety concerns for school districts. These services may include:
    • Assisting the School in identifying and prioritizing health and safety plans and programs
    • Conducting on-site management assistance work during one to two site visits to the School per fiscal year (visits based on square footage)
    • Working with Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) and other Service Cooperatives in the development of future health and safety workshops, meetings, etc
    • Directing communication with MDE
    • Interpreting mandatory requirements from MDE
    • Assisting in the completion of mandatory reports
    • Providing personalized service such as summarizing communications (mass emails, etc.) to the School, drawing attention to what it needs to attend or complete
    • Assisting in determining what is allowable under Long-Term Facility Maintenance (LTFM) funding
    • Assisting in the coding of LTFM expenditures
    • Providing interpretations of regulatory agencies
    • Conducting a mock OSHA building walk through
    • Assisting in "Machine Guarding"

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